Friday, May 10, 2013

A few funny pics

So, Dustan and Sophie were playing in the Living Room.  I had to take a picture. 
As you can clearly see daddy has passed out, and Sophie has lovingly covered him with all the blankets she could find.  Sophie has then taken it upon herself to entertain herself.  I love these guys!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Why do kids think so hard over all things!  Sophie and Lily both give me this kind of concentration all the time.  

Lily got sick on Monday at school so I left work half done, and went to pick her up.  We had a quite afternoon, until Dustan brought sister Sophie home. Lily has a massive cold (she seems better today), and hopefully I don't get a call today.  I also hope neither Sophie or I catch this thing. Yuck.
BTW: no movie and cereal for dinner, Lily would not hear of it:)

Monday, May 6, 2013


Yesterday we had Church in the morning, and then the end of the year ATS party at our house in the evening.  Yard work, cleaning the house, and just getting dressed seemed to wear us all down.  We were all exhausted this morning, and I got to work a half hour late (Not bad for waking up an hour later than usual).  The girls and I need a break this evening.  I think we may just eat cereal, and have movie night.  Yes, Yes I think that is a plan:).