In the last year Sophie has periodically shown the true colors of being a toddler, but nothing like yesterday.
Since she has been two we have had meltdowns, tantrums, lots of giggles, and an over all good time. We haven't had much mischievousness, until now.
Yesterday Sophie went down for her nap around 12:30 and Lily was sleeping as well, so I enjoyed some quite time myself (Little did I know the storm that was coming). Lily got up a little before 2:00 (Sophie was still asleep) so I feed Lily, and we were playing in the living room, when about 2:30 Sister Sophie slowly walks in the room with a white substance all over her face, hands, and feet. OH and, she happens to have on one of the biggest smiles she can smile. As I am trying to remain calm, and figure out what the substance is, so I can have an idea of what to expect, as I take Sophie to get cleaned up, I realize at least one of the things she has on her is diaper rash cream.
So a deep breath, and I slowly walk to the bedroom door. This is what I found:
She has opened and emptied every drawer she has, on to the floor, this includes shorts, socks, tights, underwear, gloves, hats, blankets, every bow, a bag of tiny rubber bands (emptied throughout the room), ect, ect, and then she started climbing those drawers to get to the really cool stuff in the cabinets above the drawers. (You know, all the stuff that you don't want a Two year old to have so you keep it out of reach).
She found several more things to empty out, but the most interesting were bottles of hand sanitizer, which she mixed with the diaper rash creams. She emptied every tub onto the carpet were she continued to mix it until it was a nice shiny lotion consistency. I believe once she had ground that deep enough into the carpet she decided to come get me a show me what marvelous things she had done.
Needless to say we got everything picked up, and cleaned the carpets as best we could (at least there sanitized). I was telling a friend yesterday after it happened, and all she could say was welcome to Toddlerhood, so hello all you parents of Toddlers I am here with you, and I say thank you for welcoming me into your club.
She was really exploring that day!!! :)