I don't like posting when I'm tired.
I tend to focus on the negative when I can't get out of the fog.
So lets remember the amazing things that happened yesterday.
-Waking up (always a good thing)
-Both my girls wanting to cuddle with me.
-Food in the house (I have a great husband who went shopping for us on Sunday night after we got back from Houston.)
-A shower (enough said)
-My 2 year old can go to the potty by herself
-I got to teach an art lesson to kids that wanted to learn something
-I got paid for the art lesson
-Dinner was made (and eaten)
-No screaming during bath time
-Dustan got home before I was in bed
So really it was a pretty incredible day,
(but I'm still tired today)
I love this! "Looking at the bright side!" Love you all! Mamma/Nana :)